Endodontic microsurgery may allow you to save a natural tooth and preserve the crestal bone. Since endodontic surgery is an advanced technique taught in specialty residencies, many dentists are not as familiar with the possibilities of endodontic surgery. In addition, the advancement of surgical techniques and instruments have completely changed the endodontic surgical technique and it's outcomes.
The following case is an example of endodontic microsurgery.
Pt presents with a draining sinus tract on #10. A periapical radiolucency is noted. While pt reports the RCT was completed "eons ago", the post and crown are only a year old. The silver cone obturation, while past the apex, has served this patient well for many years. Options were discussed and the patient elected to have endodontic surgery.
An Ochsenbein-Luebke flap was used to help preserve the marginal gingiva. The silver point was removed and the canal was retrofilled with MTA (Mineral Trioxide Aggregate).
Post-op radiograph

3 month recall finds complete function, significant radiographic healing & preservation of the crestal bone.

3 month recall finds complete function, significant radiographic healing & preservation of the crestal bone.