Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Endodontic Success

This patient presented today with a dull, radiating ache in the lower right quadrant. Clinical examination finds #29 sensitive to percussion, normal probings with prior RCT (30 years). A short obturation is evident. Adjacent teeth #30 & #28 have normal pulps . #29 is diagnosed with Prior RCT & Symptomatic Apical Periodontitis. Retreatment is recommended & completed.

I think that it is great that a root canal, done sometime in the late 70's, can be retreated, using modern techniques and equipment and be functional for another 30-40 years. Unless that root is fractured, there is nothing better than a natural tooth.


Javier Pascual Irigoyen said...

Even It wasn´t an appropiate endo it works for 30 years!!!

Is there a crown on tooth 29? and on 30? How do you manage to do vital test with a crown? In not sure but I think that coronal sealing isn´t ok on 29, isn´t it?

Again great case.

In my new post. I´m retreating a #45 trough a bridge. Coronal seal isn´t ok... I have worked in that tooth more than three hours. Patient and referal dentist aren´t concerned about coronal laekage. Should I continue with the endo!?!

Anonymous said...

Personally, I don't even start the endo if there isn't a definitive plan to deal with coronal leakage.

It usually ends up being our fault when the endo work fails in the short term because of on-going leakage.